Knowledge Base


This screen is used to configure the settings for Nav Menu Collapse. The options available in each meta box are detailed below.

General Settings Meta Box

The settings in this meta box are general settings for Nav Menu Collapse.

  • Store Collapsed States
    All collapsible nav menu items are collapsed by default. With this option enabled, the state of the collapsed items is stored within the meta for each user.

Uninstall Settings Meta Box

The settings in this meta box give you control over what data should be removed when Nav Menu Collapse is uninstalled.

  • Delete Settings
    When Nav Menu Collapse is uninstalled, all associated plugin settings are deleted in the process. This option must be confirmed before it is saved.
  • Delete User Meta
    When Nav Menu Collapse is uninstalled, all associated user meta is deleted in the process. This option must be confirmed before it is saved.

Last updated on November 10, 2020

Article Siblings

Nav Menus »

Nav menus screen details for Nav Menu Collapse.