This screen is used to configure the settings for Nav Menu Manager. The options available in each meta box are detailed below.
General Settings Meta Box
The settings in this meta box are general settings for Nav Menu Manager.
- Disable Generator
If you no longer need the Generator tool, you can enable this option to disable the Generator page. - Enable Widget
Adds the (Nav Menu Manager) Menu widget which can be added to sidebars. This nav menu widget provides more control over the settings used for the wp_nav_menu output.
Site Menus Meta Box
The settings in this meta box are used to maintain registered nav menus.
- Existing Menus
Lists nav menus that are added outside of the Nav Menu Manager as well as their current assignments. Checking a box next to one of these menus will hide it from the nav menus page. If there are no existing menus, this field will not be displayed. - Nav Menus
Repeatable field that allows for the quick registration of nav menus. They are maintained using the following functionality:
Add Nav Menu: Clicking this button will add a nav menu to the bottom of the list.
Inserts a new nav menu above the menu clicked on.
Removes the nav menu from the list.
Handle for dragging the nav menu to a new position.
Quickly swap positions with the nav menu above or below.The following fields are available for each nav menu:
Location: Nav menu location identifier, like a slug. This field is required and must be unique.
Description: Nav menu description that is displayed in the dashboard. This field is required.
Menu Settings
The settings in this meta box are used to customize nav menus.
- Active Class
Any nav menu item containing a general WordPress active class will also get this class if it is entered. General WordPress active classes include current-menu-item, current-menu-parent, current-menu-ancestor, current_page_item, current_page_parent & current_page_ancestor. This functionality relies on the nav_menu_css_class filter hook which is used in the default nav menu walker. - Exclude Default IDs
Enabling this option will exclude the ID attribute from all list items in nav menus. This functionality relies on the nav_menu_item_id filter hook which is used in the default nav menu walker. - Enable ID
Adds an ID field to nav menus. This functionality also relies on the nav_menu_item_id filter hook. - Enable Link ID
Adds a field to nav menu items that allows for an ID to be applied to the nav menu item link tag. This functionality relies on the nav_menu_link_attributes filter hook which is used in the default nav menu walker. - Enable Link Class(es)
Adds a field to nav menu items which allows for CSS classes to be applied to the nav menu item link tag. This functionality also relies on the nav_menu_link_attributes filter hook. - Enable Query String
Adds a field that allows query string values to be added to the nav menu item URL. If the URL already contains a query string, these values are appended. This functionality also relies on the nav_menu_link_attributes filter hook. - Enable Hash
Allows a hash to be added to the end of the nav menu item URL. If a hash already exists in the URL, it is replaced by this value. This functionality also relies on the nav_menu_link_attributes filter hook.
Uninstall Settings
The settings in this meta box give you control over what data should be removed when Nav Menu Manager is uninstalled.
- Fail-safe Code
Outputs code based on the site menus registered by the Nav Menu Manager. Adding this code to the theme functions.php will add a layer of protection to the site menus in the event of plugin deactivation or uninstallation.
- Delete Settings
When Nav Menu Manager is uninstalled, all associated plugin settings are deleted in the process. This option must be confirmed before it is saved. - Delete Post Meta
When using the custom nav menu fields, post meta is added to the database for nav menu items. When the Nav Menu Manager is uninstalled, this post meta is deleted in the process. This option must be confirmed before it is saved. - Delete User Meta
When Nav Menu Manager is uninstalled, all associated user meta is deleted in the process. This option must be confirmed before it is saved.
Last updated on November 17, 2020