Knowledge Base


This tool allows for wp_nav_menu code and a shortcode to be generated for a specified theme location or nav menu.

  • Select or enter the values in the Generator meta box to use in the code output.
  • Click on the Generate Code button to generate the code output and save the settings.
  • Default values will not be included in the code output.
  • Once generated, click on Copy to Clipboard button under a code block in the Code Output meta box to copy the code to the clipboard.
  • Click on the Reset Generator button to completely reset the generator.

Note: The shortcode output will not contain the echo or walker arguments.

Last updated on October 29, 2020

Article Siblings

Settings »

Settings screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Widgets »

Widget screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Nav Menus »

Nav menus screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Filter Hook »

Filter hook made available by Nav Menu Manager.

Shortcode »

Shortcode made available by Nav Menu Manager.