Knowledge Base


When enabled, the (Noakes Menu Manager) Menu widget is available to add to sidebars. Below are details on how to use the widget.

Theme Location/Nav Menu

The nav menu can be selected using either a registered nav menu location or a nav menu object. Selecting one will disable the other. If a theme location is used but not associated with a nav menu, the widget won’t be displayed.

Additional Fields

The additional fields are based on the wp_nav_menu arguments. Any fields not entered will use filtered values set in widget_nav_menu_args or the default values.

Last updated on October 29, 2020

Article Siblings

Settings »

Settings screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Generator »

Generator screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Nav Menus »

Nav menus screen details for Nav Menu Manager.

Filter Hook »

Filter hook made available by Nav Menu Manager.

Shortcode »

Shortcode made available by Nav Menu Manager.